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Upon you be greetings and praise. 'Abdu'l-Bahá If a page looks weird in your browser, please try another.
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Home > Greetings Earthstar Greetings Is your printer black-&-white or color? Whatever you answered is fine. Earthstar Greetings is hoping to accumulate a CD’s worth of printable greeting cards for diverse occasions. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, additions to the family, graduations, holy days, work well done, illness, sympathy, thinking of you...the list goes on and on. All cards will offer spiritually uplifting quotations from Sacred Scripture. Most cards will be 1-sided and will fold to fit a standard invitation (4-3/8 x 5-3/4) envelope. A few will be 2-sided and can be trimmed to fit #10 business envelope. Every card will be echoed in color and in black-&-white. You get to decide what paper to use. And all you'll need to see and print the cards is Adobe Reader 7 or higher. (Get ADOBE READER free) We’re not sure how many cards the CD will contain; but as soon as we know, you’ll know. Keep an eye out for our announcement of availability. And in the meantime, always feel free to use any of the Naw-Ruz greetings by Earthstar Works posted on this site, giving credit as appropriate. (We're negotiating with Mya regarding free use of hers, and we'll let you know her response when she's carefully considered it.)
Special Invitation If you'd like to explore the possibility of being an Earthstar Greetings Contributor, please email us with GREETINGS as the first word of the Subject line.. |
ADDED duringDecember * Abiding Blog talked about lots of info in a little song. (And check out guest blogger Justice St. Rain's new-year take on one way to shine brighter in a darker world.) |
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I T E M S FEATURE 1 Visit Helena's visual-art gallery here. FEATURE 2 -- REMINDER -- |
What You Say... ...re Twigs of a Family Tree [Give] this book to someone who is struggling with a spiritual quest, with addiction, or with personal trauma.... ...re Gallifreyan Patches Looks great. I really appreciate the thought you put into it. It's perfect. |