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Aphorisms & Memes
(2022 Archives)
Lucki Melander Wilder

" #PleaseStealThese "  -- Lucki
Why don't you ever do some of your own from your blogs? -- Bri Landis

That was an unexpected question, the answer to which was it didn't occur to me. But it sure was an idea whose time has come, and I'm really grateful for the suggestion. So, this year's quotes come from Abiding Blog articles. Plus the usual baker's dozen for Baha'i events, focusing on the Writings of the Bab and with a nod to the 12 Steps. Feel free to copy/paste any images anywhere. Your social media, emails, a card, poster, T-shirt, whatever. But just for your personal use, not $-making. Please don't crop credit lines. Do use hashtags. Feel free to email me to request a high-reolution copy of any image(s) on this page. And enjoy!

Start with JANUARY 1     Go to 2022 list/links     Go to 2022 hashtags/links Switch to Abiding Blog     Switch to Adding Insult
  Welcome to the Home of the 2022 Aphorisms-Memes Family. Beyond this welcome mat are links-lists by date & by hashtag, followed by 66 Aphorisms & Memes featured in 2022. Enjoy them, & use/hashtag them in your own social media.
Entries for 2022
01-01 Still Serving
01-08 EcoMaantra
01-15 Same Family
01-22 Little Things
01-29 Black Culture
02-05 Cureball
02-12 Pyroclasm
02-19 Not Separate
02-25 Honesty!
02-26 Not Forget
03-02 Hope!
03-05 Not God
03-12 Not Indict
03-19 Not Life
03-21 Faith!
03-26 Not Robots
04-02 Not Love
04-09 Seasoning
04-16 Whom?
04-21 Courage!
04-23 Portrayals
04-29 Integrity!
04-30 The Kool-Aid
05-02 Willingness!
05-07 Cat Years
05-14 Going Gentle
05-21 Silent Scream
05-24 Humility!
05-28 Bring It Up
05-29 Respect!
06-04 Dancing Is
06-11 For Endurance
06-18 True Story
06-25 Avoidant
07-02 The Anchor
07-09  Like An Onion
07-10 Mercy!
07-16 Loyalty
07-23 For All Of Us
07-30 Sometimes Not
08-06 Unheard
08-13 Willing To
08-20 Try Asking
08-27 Try Telling
09-03 Try Staying
09-10 Silence
09-17 Writing
09-24 Synergy
10-01 Sources
10-08 Dollars
10-15 Counts
10-22 Messages
10-26 Perseverance!
10-27 Spirituality!
10-29 Merits
11-05 Absence Of
11-12 Hear Them Say
11-19 Being Humble
11-26 Service!
11-26 Perfecting
11-28 Love!
12-03 Rinky-Dink
12-10 New & Useless
12-17 Off Track
12-24 Another Voice
12-31 Like Lamps
KEY - List Date-color:
Black = Blog Quote
Blue = In the Rooms
Gold = Upcoming
Red = Step/Baha'i Event
Violet = Book Quote

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Go to Older Entries

xHashtags for 2022   #Actor   #Ask 2   #Attention   #Bahai 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13   #BeHeard   #Belief 2   #BigImpact   #Blessings   #Cats   #CatYears   #Character 2   #Coincidence   #Compassion   #Computer   #Creation 2   #Dancing   #Doubt   #Dreadlocks   #Endurance   #Environment 2   #Fiction 2   #FillTheVoid   #Forgiveness   #FreeWill 2   #Forgiveness   #GenderPolicing   #God   #GodIsLove   #GodIsNot   #GodsPlan   #GodsPromise   #GodsVoice 2   #GoldenRule   #Grace   #Healing   #Honesty   #Hope  #HowWeThink 2  #Humanity 2 3   #Humiliation   #Humility 2 3   #Improve 2   #Isolation   #Layers   #LettingGo   #Listen 2   #LittleThing   #LiveAndLearn 2   #Love 2 3   #MakeTheirDay   #Materialism   #Men 2   #MentalDefault 2   #Mercy   #MilitaryHonors   #Money   #MoonLanding   #MyVoteCounts   #NotAlone   #NotGodsFault 2   #NotPerfect   #OneVoice   #Openness   #OurFault   #Pain   #Persist    #PoliticalCorruption   #PoV 2   #Prayer   #Proof   #QualitiesWeNeed    #Racism 2   #ReachOut   #Reality   #Recycle   #Rudeness  #SelfCare   #SendAMessage   #Service   #SilenceCanKill   #Sin   #Soul   #Spirit 2   #Steadfastness   #Strength   #Suicide 2 3 4 5   #Thanksgiving   #ThankYou 2   #Truth 2 3 4 5   #UnconditionalLove   #Useless   #Value   #Volition   #Vote 2 3 4 5   #Walking   #WhatWeSay 2   #Women   #WorldNeedsYou   #Writer          #LillilanWolf   #StacyBlyMalone   #MyaWilder

2022-12-31 Like Lamps
#GodsVoice   #OneVoice

Nor are these Voices [of God] in contention. They are in cooperation. Like teachers in a school. Chapters in a bood. Lamps in a home. #GodsVoice #OneVoice #AbidingBlog2017Upgrading
2022-12-24 Another Voice
#GodsPromise   #Truth

But God has promised never to desert us, His children. Never to give up on us and leave us to our own devolving devices. So another Voice is sent. To remind us of the spiritual truths we may have lost sight of. And to offer us new truths. #GodsPromise #Truth #AbidingBlog2017Upgrading
2022-12-17 Off Track
#Humanity   #GodsVoice

Humanity, too, sometimes needs to be debugged and/or upgraded on a spiritual level. We are given a message by a Voice of God. Over time, though, our memory becomes vague. Or our understanding veers off track. #Humanity #GodsVoice #AbidingBlog2017Upgrading

2022-12-10 New & Useless

#Improve   #Useless

BTW, is it just me, or have you noticed how often something gets "improved" to the point where it's practically useless? #Improve #Useless #AbidingBlog2017Debugging

2022-12-03 Rinky-Dink

#Computer   #MoonLanding

[When] man first landed on the moon, the onboard computer itself was only 2K! Sheesh, my rinky-dink little stand-alone pedometer is more powerful than that. And has a longer battery life. #Computer #MoonLanding #AbidingBlog2017Debugging
For Ascension (passing) of 'Abdu'l-Baha &
the 12 Steps   2022-11-28 Love!
#Bahai   #Love   #Compassion

The path to guidance is one of love and compassion, not of force and coercion. #Bahai #Love #Compassion #thebab

2022-11-26 Perfecting

#Improve    #LiveAndLearn don't improve what you're working on simply by brushing away your mistakes. You keep working on perfecting it. Which includes working to avoid repeating your previous mistakes. #Improve #LiveAndLearn #AbidingBlog2017Confession
For Day of the Covenant & Step 12
2022-11-26 Service!
#Bahai   #Creation
We have created you from one tree and have caused you to be as the leaves and fruit of the same tree, that haply ye may become a source of comfort to one another. #Bahai #Creation #Humanity #thebab

2022-11-19 Being Humble

#Humiliation    #Humility

...humility and humiliation are not the same thing. In fact, being humble is the best inoculation against being humiliated. By anyone or anything. Ever. #Humiliation #Humility #AbidingBlog2017Confession
2022-11-12 Hear Them Say

#Forgiveness   #Healing

I can ask a person for forgiveness, yes. But even then, when I ask someone I hurt for forgiveness, I must be willing to hear them say "No." 'Cuz they need to heal in THEIR own time and way. #Forgiveness #Healing #AbidingBlog2017Confession
2022-11-05 Absence Of

#Sin   #FillTheVoid

Sin isn't a thing. It's an absense The absence of doing what was spiritually right...And obviously, the way to be rid of an absence, an emptiness, isn't to somehow try and dig it out or wash it away. It's to fill it. With what is good. Just like you can't vacuum the darkness out of a pitch-black room. To combat that absence of light, you have to fill the room with light. #Sin #FillTheVoid #AbidingBlog2017Confession
2022-10-29 Merits

#Vote   #QualitiesWeNeed

I urge you to look carefully and "consider without the least trace of passion and prejudice, and irrespective of any material consideration, the names of only those who can best combine the necessary qualities"* to keep our civic government honest, effective, and caring. (*Guidance offered by Shothi Effendi on voting in Baha'i elections) #Vote #QualitiesWeNeed #AbidingBlog2017Merits
For Birth of Baha'u'llah & Step 11
2022-10-27 Spirituality!
#Baha'i   #Spirit   #Creation

...observe all the things which God hath created at His behest with the eye of the spirit, even as ye see things with the eyes of your bodies. #Baha'i #Spirit #Creation #thebab
For Birth of the Bab & Step 10
2022-10-26 Perseverance!
#Baha'i    #Endurance   #Strength

O God! Recompense those who endure patiently in Thy days and strengthen their hearts to walk undeviatingly in the path of Truth. #Bahai #Endurance #Strength #thebab

2022-10-22 Messages

#Vote  #SendAMessage

...not voting doesn't tell "the powers that be" that you're disgusted with them. Not voting tells them that you don't care one way or t'other. That may not be the message you hope to send. But it's the one they're apt to receive. #Vote #SendAMessage #AbidingBlog2017Merits
2022-10-15 Counts

#Vote  #MyVoteCounts

"Yeah, but my one vote doesn't really count" is no excuse, either ... elections aren't just about Presidents. They're also about everyone and everything down-ballot from there. And the closer to your home they are, the more immediate and dramatic the results of the election just might be for you. #Vote #MyVoteCounts #AbidingBlog2017Merits
2022-10-08 Dollars

#Vote  #Money

Arguably the best way to get the deep wells of dollars OUT of politics is to get the broadest swath of voters involved IN politics. You can be sure the monied interests are going to vote for what THEY want. If the rest of us decline to vote for what WE want, do you think that'll likely make the "1%" morose or ecstatic? #Vote #Money #AbidingBlog2017Merits
2022-10-01 Sources

#Vote  #Truth

I prefer to get my electoral info from more reliable sources than PR hacks (no matter how good they are at practiving their profession).... #Vote #Truth #AbidingBlog2017Merits
2022-09-24 Synergy

#NotPerfect  #Persist

Our synergy doesn't have to (and, of course, humanly can't) be perfect. Just persistent. #NotPerfect #Persist #AbidingBlog2017Reflect
2022-09-17 Writing

#Writer  #Soul

In order to write, I have to WRITE. And as 'Abdu'l-Baha said in Paris, "Writing is, in intself, a sign of the writer's soul...." #Writer #Soul #AbidingBlog2017Reflect
2022-09-10 Silence

#Suicide  #SilenceCanKill

Silence is not always strength. Or support. Sometimes it's anything but. Isolation can silence. Shame can silence. Fear of stigma can silence. And silence can kill. #Suicide #SilenceCanKill #AbidingBlog2017Ask
2022-09-03 Try Staying

#Suicide  #WorldNeedsYou

You may think the world doesn't need you, but the world disagrees. #Suicide #WorldNeedsYou #AbidingBlog2017Ask
2022-08-27 Try Telling
#Suicide  #NotAlone   #Ask

Or if you are grieving life, deeply depressed, contemplating suicide, don't put up a good front. Don't think it's just you. 'Cuz it's not. You're not the only one. You're not alone in feeling what you feel. And don't think that what you're feeling is too small -- or you are to unimportant -- to matter. 'Cuz it's not true. #Suicide #NotAlone #Ask #AbidingBlog2017Ask
2022-08-20 Try Asking
#Suicide  #Listen  #Ask

So if you encounter someone...suicidal, deeply depressed, grieving life, take the time to get them to talk. Even if you're not sure how heavy their issue really is, get them to talk. And LISTEN to them. If you don't know what to say, tell them you don't know what to say. Ask them what they need you to say. #Suicide #Listen #Ask #AbidingBlog2017Ask
2022-08-13 Willing To
#Suicide  #Listen  #BeHeard

Suicide prevention hotlines can work only when people call them. But they do work. Not all the time. But sometimes. Every "sometime" a gift. TThey work because someone is willing to listen. To hear. To support. And because someone is willing to be heard. To take the risk of being heard. To take the risk of feeling loved. Even if just for a moment. #Suicide #Listen #BeHeard #AbidingBlog2017Heard
2022-08-06 UnHeard
#Isolation  #ReachOut

We are all "the average person" in one way or another. There are times when we feel unloved. Unwanted. Unimportant. Unheard. And we isolate. Which is the worst thing we can do. We can't be heard if we don't speak out. Cry out. Reach Out. #Isolation #ReachOut #AbidingBlog2017Heard
2022-07-30 Sometimes Not
#Coincidence  #GodsPlan

Sometimes it's not mere coincidence. Sometimes it's Godincidence. #Coincidence #GodsPlan #LillianWolf #AbidingBlog2017Godincidence

2022-07-23 For All Of Us

#Love  #Hope

[The character] was able to make his choice, to become a hero as well as a legend, to crown the trajectory of his life with immemorial honor, because in spite of everything - or maybe because of it - he loved someone. There's hope in that {true story) for all of us. #Love #Hope #AbidingBlog2017Strings

2022-07-16 Loyalty

#Value  #Volition

I so value loyalty. Especially truly volitional loyalty. #Value #Volition #AbidingBlog2017Strings
For Martyrdom of the Bab & Step 9
2022-07-10 Mercy!
#Bahai  #Forgiveness  #Mercy

Do Thou graciously forgive me for the things that I have wrought in Thy holy presence, and look not upon me with the glance of justice, but rather deliver me through Thy grace, treat me with Thy mercy and deal with me according to Thy bountiful favours, as is worthy of Thy glory. #Bahai #Forgiveness #Mercy #thebab
2022-07-09 Like An Onion
#Character   #Layers

In a TV or film (or even book) series...a good anchorage is like an onion: there's always another layer to peel. #Character #Layers #AbidingBlog2017Strings
2022-07-02 The Anchor
#Fiction   #Character

Everyone who gets deeply involved in a series, who keeps coming back to it, who even sits through reruns (or rereads the stories), almost certainly has an anchor in that series. The one character they most identify with. Most care about. Most want to know. Love and/or hate the most. #Fiction #Character #AbidingBlog2017Strings
2022-06-25 Avoidant
#Men   #GenderPolicing

...don't get me started on how our screwed-up culture of machismo and gender-policing has devastated generations of men by demanding, from at least kindergarten on, that they be gentle-touch avoidant among themselves. #Men #GenderPolicing #AbidingBlog2017Strings
2022-06-18 True Story
#Truth   #Fiction's the job of writers, directors, and actors to collaborate in telling a story that, even if it's fictional, is TRUE. #Truth #Fiction #AbidingBlog2017Strings
2022-06-011 For Endurance
#Men    #Women

[On dancing as a good exercise] a natural movement. We've evolved for it. Our bodies are very efficient at it. Anything that takes us out of that normal forward direction, like dancing side to side, is less efficient and therefore harder work. #Walking #Dancing #StacyBlyMalone #AbidingBlog2017Half
2022-06-04 Dancing Is
#Walking   #Dancing

[On dancing as a good exercise] a natural movement. We've evolved for it. Our bodies are very efficient at it. Anything that takes us out of that normal forward direction, like dancing side to side, is less efficient and therefore harder work. #Walking #Dancing #StacyBlyMalone #AbidingBlog2017Half
For Ascension (passing) of Baha'u'llah & Step 8
2022-05-29 Respect!
#Bahai   #GoldenRule   #Humility
Regard ye not others save as ye regard your own selves.... #Bahai #GoldenRule #Humility #thebab

2022-05-28 Bring It Up
#Racism   #Openness

If we can never bring [race] up anyplace where we're not going to right-there solve it, wherever will we be able to bring it up at all? And if we can never bring it up at all, how will we ever (even start to) deal with it. #Racism #Openness #AbidingBlog2017Hair
For Declaration of the Bab & Step 7
2022-05-24 Humility!
#Bahai   #Humility   #God

Verily I am poor while in truth Thou art rich; verily I am lowly while in truth Thou art mighty; verily I am impotent while in truth Thou art powerful; verily I am abased while in truth Thou art the most exalted; verily I am distressed while in truth Thou art the Lord of might. #Bahai #Humility #God #thebab
2022-05-21 Silent Scream
#Rudeness   #Dreadlocks
[Silent scream at the lady who'd sped up behind me, laid hold of my locs without a by-your-leave or any warning whatsoever, and then berated ME 'cuz she only wanted to feel what they were like and now she's got some kind of stuff all over her hand.] Get OFF! I ain't your touchy-feely petting-zoo exhibit. Or your animate good-luck charm (name notwithstanding). Or even your obligatory educator in all things black(ish). Keep your frikkin' paws to yourself. #Rudeness #Dreadlocks #AbidingBlog2017Hair
2022-05-14 Going Gentle
#SelfCare   #LettingGo self-care looks like wrapping 19-year-old Silver cat in a big towel and holding him close so that the last thing he knows is warmth and softness and the sound of a heartbeat (which is the first thing he knew even before he was born). Like letting him go gentle into his good night. Like not raging, raging against the dying of his light. #SelfCare #LettingGo #AbidingBlog2017Silver
2022-05-07 Cat Years
#Cats   #CatYears
This is how you calculate years for Felis silvestris catus: Take the number of human years. Multiple by 5. Then -- and here's the part people usually forget -- add 7. Because in  their first year, cats mature at the rate of about 1 cat year for every 1 human month. After that, they slow down to 5 cat years for every 1 human year. #Cats #CatYears #AbidingBlog2017Silver
For Twelfth of Ridvan & Step 6
2022-05-02 Willingness!
#Bahai   #Love   #Steadfastness
Cheer our hearts through the potency of Thy love and good-pleasure and bestow upon us steadfastness that we may willingly submit to Thy Will and Thy Decree. #Bahai #Love #Steadfastness #thebab

2022-04-30 The Kool-Aid

#HowWeThink   #WhatWeSay
Lesson: Whatch what you say. Watch how you say it. Watch the very words you use. You might start to believe death. #HowWeThink #WhatWeSay #AbidingBlog2016KoolAid
For Ninth of Ridvan & Step 5
2022-04-29 Integrity!
#Bahai   #Belief   #Truth
Verily He is fully cognizant of the righteous, for He is with such of His servants as truly believe in Him.... #Bahai #Belief #Truth #thebab

2022-04-23 Portrayals

#Actor   #Reality
I deeply respect actors who have willingly mastered torquing their innate reality to subtly inform their portrayals. Rather than, say, to fearfully suppress or foreclose on their truths or to carelessly bollix their gigs. #Actor #Reality #AbidingBlog2016Who
For First of Ridvan & Step 4
2022-04-21 Courage!
#Bahai   #Attention   #Proof
Ponder for a while in thy heart, have pity on thyself and turn not aside thine attention from proofs and evidences. #Bahai #Attention #Proof #thebab

2022-04-16 Whom?

#ThankYou    #Thanksgiving
Every once in a while, a new Thanksgiving meme comes along. Or at least a new twist on an old meme. The one that struck me this year was asking--instead of the old "What do you give thanks for today?"--the slightly but deeply different question "WHOM do you give thanks for today?" #ThankYou #Thanksgiving #AbidingBlog2015Whom
2022-04-09 Seasoning
#ThankYou    #MakeTheirDay
Remember to thank people who do special things for you, even--especially--when they didn't think it was anything special. Savor your chances to say so. Saying so is always in season, and it just might spice up their day. #ThankYou #MakeTheirDay #AbidingBlog2014Seasoning
2022-04-02 Not Love
#FreeWill    #UnconditionalLove
[God] loves us so much He gives us the right to not love Him or each other or our own self if that's how we want it. How's that for unconditional love?! #FreeWill #UnconditionalLove #AbidingBlog2012Not
2022-03-26 Not Robots
#FreeWill    #LiveAndLearn
[God] loves us so much He has decided not to make us robots. He loves us so much He lets us make our own mistakes. Learn our own necessary lessons. Achieve our own hard-fought victories. #FreeWill #LiveAndLearn #AbidingBlog2012Not
For Naw-Ruz & Step 3
2022-03-21 Faith!
#Bahai   #Belief   #Doubt
Know thou, that thou wilt succeed ... if thou believest with undoubting faith. #Bahai #Belief #Doubt #thebab

2022-03-19 Not Life

#NotGodsFault  #Spirit
When we refuse to love that spirit of life, when we aren't filled with that spirit of life, when we do things contrary to that spirit of life, when we neglect those who are bereft of that spirit of life, that's NOT God's fault. #NotGodsFault #Spirit #AbidingBlog2012Not

2022-03-12 Not Indict
#NotGodsFault  #OurFaultI choose never to even accidentally indict God for what one or all of us do or neglect to do. #NotGodsFault #OurFault #AbidingBlog2012Not

2022-03-05 Not God
#GodIsNot  #GodIsLove
I choose not to define [God] as neglectful or angry or judgmental or vengeful or punishing or a sadistic paranoid schizophrenic. I choose to define Him as an always-loving God. Which is the kind of God I need in my life. #GodIsNot #GodIsLove #AbidingBlog2012Not
For 19-Day (daylight) Fast & Step 2
2022-03-02 Hope!
#Bahai   #Grace   #Blessings
Every hope hath been frustrated save the yearning for Thy heavenly grace, and every door is barred except the portal leading to the well-spring of Thy blessings. #Bahai #Grace #Blessings #thebab

2022-02-26 Not Forget
#Pain   #Prayer
I choose never to forget that the worst-wounded spirits, those who have suffered self-inflicted pain the longest, are most in need of prayer and mercy. #Pain #Prayer #AbidingBlog2012Not
For Ayyam-i-Ha & Step 1
2022-02-25 Honesty!
#Bahai   #Honesty   #Truth
If thou embracest the Truth, everything good and seemly shall be set down for thee.... #Bahai #Honesty #Truth #thebab

2022-02-19 Not Separate

#HowWeThink   #WhatWeSay
I know that the way we think affects what we say and how we say it. I equally believe that the way we say things affects what and how we think. #HowWeThink #WhatWeSay #AbidingBlog2012Not

2022-02-12 Pyroclasm

#Racism   #Materialism  #PoliticalCorruption

We're seeing the results - played out on the national (and even the global) economic and political stage - of what happens when racism, materialism, and political corruption all come together in one massive pyroclastic eruption of hateful fear, arrogant greediness, and rampant power-mongering ... And haven't we been reminded lately that we can't fix the problem if we can't see the problem? #Racism #Materialism #PoliticalCorruption #AbidingBlog2012Pyroclasm
2022-02-05 Curveball
#PoV   #MentalDefault

Because most of us operate most of the time in line with our default assumptions or cultural axioms, we don't actually stop to analyze why. So when someone throws us a curveball...we're apt to swing and miss. #PoV #MentalDefault #AbidingBlog2011NOffense
2022-01-29 Black Culture
#PoV   #MentalDefault
Sometimes it's the little things that have the biggest impact over time. #PoV #MentalDefault #AbidingBlog2011NOffense
2022-01-22 Little Things
#LittleThing   #BigImpact

Sometimes it's the little things that have the biggest impact over time. #LittleThing #BigImpact #AbidingBlog2011Graduated
2022-01-15 Same Family
#Humanity   #Environment

...all the people are the same human family, and they should also care about all the places in the world, not just the one they live in. #Humanity #Environment #MyaWilder #AbidingBlog2011Circle
2022-01-08 EcoMantra
#Environment   #Recycle

RECYCLE everything you can. REUSE [or repurpose] twice as much as you recycle. REDUCE twice as much as you reuse. #Environment #Recycle #AbidingBlog2011RRR
2022-01-01 Down & Up
#Service   #MilitaryHonors

Just because someone has finished their stint in the service, it doesn't mean they've stopped serving. #Service #MilitaryHonors #AbidingBlog2011Service

Feel free to email me to offer feedback, request a high-reolution image, receive occasional reminders of new entries, or call attention to your own (un)favorites. Not all feedback necessarily appears for this page, and may be edited for links, typos, multi-source redundancy, and relevancy. That doesn't mean, though, that we consider negative feedback irrelevant, edit it for content, or refuse to post it, as negative feedback can often help us learn to do more and better. 

email your feedback with MEMES and the entry date as the subject

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