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Aphorisms & Memes
(2023 Archives)
Lucki Melander Wilder

" #PleaseStealThese "  -- Lucki
Why don't you ever do some of your own from your blogs? -- Bri Landis

I'm continuing to take Bri's question to heart. So, this year's quotes also come from Abiding Blog articles. Plus the usual baker's dozen for Baha'i events, focusing on the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha and with a nod to the 12 Steps. If you have trouble seeing the smaller versions of the posters below, you can always use/repeat Ctrl + (plus sign) to zoom in and Ctrl - (minus sign) to zoom back out. Feel free to copy/paste any images anywhere. Your social media, emails, a card, poster, T-shirt, whatever. But just for your personal use, not $-making. Please don't crop credit lines. Do use hashtags. Feel free to email me to request a high-resolution copy of any image(s) on this page. And enjoy!

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Welcome to the Home of the 2023 Aphorisms-Memes Family. Beyond this welcome mat are links-lists by date & by hashtag, followed by 66 Aphorisms & Memes featured in 2023. Enjoy them, & use/hashtag them in your own social media.
Entries for 2023
01-01 The Manual
01-08 This Fact
01-15 This Promise
01-22 An Answer
01-29 A Realization
02-05 In Our Lives
02-12 No Solutions
02-19 See Me Cry
02-25 Know Thou
02-26 Grow The Most
03-02 Find Truth
03-05 Do Not Kill
03-12 Antitoxins
03-19 Happy Tears
03-21 Choose God
03-26 Gription
04-02 Steppage
04-09 Fargument
04-16 Vying For
04-21 Be The Cause
04-23 Most Feared
04-29 Be Of Serivce
04-30 Her Highness
05-02 Trust In God
05-07 In Defense
05-14 Celebrated
05-21 Reckleww
05-24 Endow Them
05-28 No Bravery
05-29 Cause Us
06-04 Go Ahead
06-11 Live Life
06-18 Take The Leap
06-25 Love Again
07-02 Let Go
07-09 Stand Back Up
07-10 Amend That
07-16 Tell The Truth
07-23 Keep The Faith
07-30 Marriage Isn't
08-06 Need To Pray
08-13 No Idea What
08-20 Not About Me
08-27 Not Sincere
09-03 2-Way Contact
09-10 Okay To Vent
09-17 In Contact
09-24 While Alive
10-01 Preaction
10-08 Coopera
10-15 Mysoulium
10-16 Be Mindful
10-17 Bring Me
10-22 Act That Way
10-29 Hear It Grow
11-05 I Learn Too
11-12 Tell Them So
11-19 At The Time
11-26 Walk Together
11-26 Say The Words
11-28 Fellowship
12-03 God Accepts
12-10 Being Sincere
12-17 To Only One
12-24 No Magic Wand
12-31 The Lodestone
KEY - List Date-color:
Black = Blog Quote
Blue = In the Rooms
Gold = Upcoming
Red = Step/Baha'i Event
Violet = Book/Life Quote

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xHashtags for 2023   #ActLikeIt 2   #Advocacy   #Amends 2   #Ask   #Attributes   #Bahai 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13   #Bravery   #ChooseGod   #Connection   #Cooperation   #Crying 2   #DontWait    #Excellence   #Experience   #Fearlessness 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   #Flowers   #FreeWill   #GoAhead   #GodCan   #GodDoes 2 3 4   #GodsGifts 2   #GodsLove   #GodsPlan   #GodsVoice   #GodsWill 2   #GoodMarriage   #GoTooFar   #Growth   #Happiness   #InOurLives   #Joy   #KeepTheFaith   #KneeJerkReaction   #Learning   #LetGo   #Listen   #LiveLife   #Love 2 3   #LoveAgain   #Majesty   #Meditation 2 3 4   #Mindfulness   #Motivation   #NeverCry   #NeverSeeMe   #NotAboutMe   #Openness   #Peace   #Prayer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   #ReadTheManual   #Recklessness   #Recognize   #ReflectionsOfGod   #RightPerson   #Service 2   #Shortcomings 2   #Sincerity 2 3 4 5 6   #Sniglet 2 3 4 5 6   #Solutions   #Spirituality 2 3 4 5   #StandUp   #Steadfastness   #Strength   #TakeTheLeap   #Talking    #Teaching 2   #TearsDoNotKill   #TearsOfAstonishment   #TearsOfJoy   #TearsThatHeal   #TellTheTruth   #Thanksgiving   #ThankYou   #Trust   #Truth   #Unexpected   #Unity 2   #Walking 2   #Woman 2   #Writing          #NancyBagley   #LuckiMelanderWilder   #OwenH 2 3 4   #ReyWilder  

2023-12-31 The Lodestone
#GodsVoice  #GodsLove

It is to be delivered through the "kindly tongue" that Baha'u'llah calls "the lodestone of the hearts of men", adding that "It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding".  #GodsVoice #GodsLove #AbidingBlog2017Vacation
2023-12-24 No Magic Wand
#GodsVoice  #FreeWill

God does not choose to deliver Her message by some "magic wand" or irrestible divine fiat that we don't even know is forcing us. Nor by the sword, figuratively or literally. Nor by any coercion, or threat of hellfire, or offer of material gain.  #GodsVoice #FreeWill #AbidingBlog2017Vacation
2023-12-17 To Only One
#Talking   #Writing is vital that we have meaningful and distinctive conversations. Elevate the discourse on human and spiritual affairs...For those of us who can speak to (or write for) the millions, cool. For those of us who can speak to only one someone, equally cool.  #Talking #Writing #AbidingBlog2017Vacation

2023-12-10 Being Sincere

#Prayer   #Sincerity

"Offer the prayer you can in the moment, no matter how poor you think it is. That's being sincere." -OwemH  "I would add: Practice the meditation you can in the moment, no matter how poor you think it is. That's listening sincere." -LW  #Prayer #Sincerity #OwenH #AbidingBlog2017Contact

2023-12-03 God Accepts

#Prayer   #Sincerity

God doesn't penalize anyone who needs your prayers just because you don't feel sincere. Including you, when you're in need. God accepts what you're able to offer and uses it to help you prepare to offer more. #Prayer #Sincerity #OwenH
For Ascension (passing) of 'Abdu'l-Baha &
the 12 Steps  
2023-11-28 Fellowship
#Bahai   #Love   #Unity 

O ye friends! Fellowship, fellowship! Love, love! Unity, unity! #Bahai #Love #Unity #abdulbaha

2023-11-26 Say The Words

#Prayer   #Sincerity 

Sometimes just saying the words, knowing you don't mean them yet, is as sincere as you can get. Sometimes just saying you intend to pray for someone, or know you should, is as sincere as you can get. God understands. God answers. #Prayer #Sincerity #OwenH
For Day of the Covenent & Step 12
2023-11-26 Walk Together
#Bahai   #Love   #Unity 

O people of the world, ye are all the fruit of one tree and the leaves of one branch. Walk with perfect charity, concord, affection, and agreement. #Bahai #Love #Unity #abdulbaha

2023-11-19 At The Time

#Prayer   #Sincerity 

Whatever you pray is sincere. It's as sincere as you can be at the time. #Prayer #Sincerity #OwenH
2023-11-12 Tell Them So
#Thanksgiving   #ThankYou 

Have a gratitude-filled, family-unifying, safe, healthy, and happy Thanksgiving. Remember whom you are thankful for. And tell them so. #Thanksgiving #ThankYou #AbidingBlog2017Shield
2023-11-05 I Learn Too
#Teaching   #Learning 

Can I learn as much fropm my sponsees as I'm able to teach? You betcha! #Teaching #Learning #AbidingBlog2017Flowers
2023-10-29  Hear It Grow
#Meditation   #Listen 

...a Buddhist sponsee...once, in sharing with me how to meditatte as she did, said as we sat in a garden, "Compose yourself, close your eyes, and listen to the flowers grow." #Meditation #Listen #AbidingBlog2017Flowers

2023-10-22  Act That Way

#Prayer   #ActLikeIt

...when we pray and meditate about something, we should then ACT like we prayed and meditated about it. We hear the same meme in the rooms of recovery, too. #Prayer #ActLikeIt #AbidingBlog2017Flowers
For Birth of Baha'u'llah & Step 11
2023-10-17  Bring Me

#Bahai   #Spirituality   #GodsGifts

...bring me, O cup-bearer, of the wine of the SPIRIT a cup full as the sea! #Bahai #Spirituality #GodsGifts #abdulbaha
For Birth of the Bab & Step 10
2023-10-16  Be Mindful

#Bahai   #Mindfulness   #Spirituality

In the world of the mind there must needs be development and improvement. There must be reformation in the kingdom of the human spirit; otherwise, no result will be attained from betterment of the mere phywsical structure. #Bahai #Mindfulness #Spirituality #abdulbaha
2023-10-15  Mysoulium
#Sniglet   #Connection

Neologism (serious sniglet) #3 -- Mysoulium* (my-SO-lee-um): Spiritual presence or network that connects all human beings.  *A play on the word Mycelium: Network of fungi that works with over 80% of plant species, connecting them to other plants to share information and nutrients, defend against insects, and maintain a healthy diverse ecosystem. #Sniglet #Connection #AbidingBlog2021Connection
2023-10-08  Coopera
#Sniglet   #Cooperation

Neologism (serious sniglet) #2 -- Coopera (co-OP-er-ah): The whole of humanity working together towards unifying common goals. The transitional phase between knowing we are all one race and recognizing we are all one family. #Sniglet #Cooperation #AbidingBlog2021Transition
2023-10-01  Preaction
#Sniglet   #KneeJerkReaction

Neologism (serious sniglet) #1 -- Preaction, -active, -act (pre-AC-tion): Knee-jerk (re)action, based on personal or vicarious experience/learning, that bypasses the logical mechanism of thought. Ex: ingrained fight-or-flight reaction; automatic predator/prey interactions. #Sniglet #KneeJerkReaction #AbidingBlog2022Action
2023-09-24  While Alive
#DontWait   #Flowers

I believe in not waiting 'til someone's dead. In giving them their flowers while they're alive. Moeaphorically AND literally. #DontWait #Flowers #AbidingBlog2017Flowers
2023-09-17  In Contact
#Prayer   #Meditation

Talk about CONSCIOUS contact. God's always in contact. We just have to pick up the phone. And keep it charged. #Prayer #Meditation #AbidingBlog2017Contact
2023-09-10  Okay To Vent
#Prayer   #Meditation

[It's] actually all right to "vent" to God ... God understands ... once we do that, though, we need to become still and small ourselves and lsiten to God's response. #Prayer #Meditation #AbidingBlog2017Contact
2023-09-03  2-Way Contact
#Prayer   #Meditation

[The 11th Step's "praer and meditation"] brings together the spiritual practices of East and West..."Prayer is talking; meditation is listening." To my mind, people in the West are very good at talking to their Creator, maybe not so good at listening to Her "still, small voice". OTOH, people in the East are very good at listening to the Creative Force of the universe, but not so practiced in talking to It. #Prayer #Meditation #AbidingBlog2017Contact
2023-08-27 Not Sincere
#Prayer   #Sincerity

But sometimes my prayers for other -- especially when I feel obligated -- seem anything but sincere...sometimes I just give up and ask God to accept my prayer as if I were being sincere even though I'm not. #Prayer #NotSincere #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-08-20 Not About Me
#Prayer   #NotAboutMe

I tend to pray more for others than for myself. Maybe it's because I wonder why God would pay me any attention when I'm talking about myself. Whereas He might be kind enough to pay heed when I'm pleading for others. #Prayer #NotAboutMe #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-08-13 No Idea What
#Prayer   #Sincerity

Sometimes I despair of having any idea what sincere prayer is. #Prayer #Sincerity #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-08-06 Need To Pray
#Prayer   #TearsOfAstonishment

When I experience prayer the way that [C.S.] Lewis described it. When the need to pray wells up in and pours out of me. Waking and even sleeping. Accompanied by tears of astonishment...That's when I change the most. For the better. #Prayer #TearsOfAstonishment #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-07-30 Marriage Isn't
#GoodMarriage   #RightPerson

...marriage isn't about having the right person, it's about being the right person. #GoodMarriage #RightPerson #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2023-07-23 Keep The Faith

#KeepTheFaith   #Fearlessness

Fearless is feeling that our prayers are always answered "No." And nevertheless keeping the faith. #KeepTheFaith #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless

2023-07-16 Tell The Truth
#TellTheTruth   #Fearlessness

Fearless is wanting to lie to save face or be liked or have peace. And instead telling the truth. #TellTheTruth #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
For Martyrdom of the Bab & Step 9
2023-07-10 Amend That
#Bahai   #Amends   #Shortcomings
Arise, and make amends for that which escaped thee. #Bahai #Amends #Shortcomings #abdulbaha
2023-07-09 Stand Back Up
#StandUp   #Fearlessness

Fearless is knowing we're just going to get knocked down again. And standing back up. #StandUp #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-07-02 Let Go
#LetGo   #Fearlessness

Fearless is recognizing what we can't breathe without. And then letting it go. #LetGo #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-06-25 Love Again
#LoveAgain   #Fearlessness

Fearless is having been hurt before. And being willing to love again. #LoveAgain #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-06-18 Take The Leap
#TakeTheLeap   #Fearlessness

Fearless is fearing we will fall forever. And taking the leap. #TakeTheLeap #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-06-11 Live Life
#LiveLife   #Fearlessness

Fearless is being scared to death. And still living life. #LiveLife #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-06-04 Go Ahead
#GoAhead   #Fearlessness

Fearless is going ahead. Even though we're afraid. #GoAhead #Fearlessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
For Ascension (passing) of Baha'u'llah & Step 8
2023-05-29 Cause Us
#Bahai   #Amends   #Shortcomings
Merciful God! cause us to repent of our shortcomings! #Bahai #Amends #Shortcomings #abdulbaha

2023-05-28 No Bravery
#Fearlessness   #Bravery

Brave means having fear and also having the courage to go through with what we must do anyway. Without fear, there can be no bravery. Bravery doesn't so much mean to be fearless as it means to FEAR LESS. #Fearlessness #Bravery #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
For Declaration of the Bab & Step 7
2023-05-24 Endow Them
#Bahai   #GodsGifts   #Attributes

Endow the blind with light, the deaf with hearing, the dumb with speech, the lukewarm with energy, the heedless with mindfulness, the sleepers with wakefulness, and the proud with humility. #Bahai #GodsGifts #Attributes #abdulbaha
2023-05-21 Reckless

#Fearlessness   #Recklessness

...being fearless does not mean being without any fear. The term for operating with no fear whatsoever isn't fearless. It's foolhardy. Harebrained. Reckless. And as I (and probably you) know from experience, what reckless usually leads to is more wreckage. #Fearlessness #Recklessness #AbidingBlog2017Fearless
2023-05-14 Celebrated

#Teaching   #Advocacy

One of her biographers called [Tahirih] "The most celebrated woman in Iranian history." Lauded for her great intelligence and beauty, she was a renowned poet, insightful theologian, persuasive teacher, and staunch advocate for the rights of women. In the mid 1800s! #Teaching #Advocacy #AbidingBlog2017Suffragette
2023-05-07 Trust In God

#Steadfastness   #Service

It's no wonder that we normally associate [Mulla Husayn] with SWORD. But I am more struck by the SHIELD aspect of his character. Because he fought only in defense. And that act of steadfast service gave him unexpected -- one can sincerely say heroic -- strength. #Steadfastness #Service #AbidingBlog2017Shield
For Twelvth of Ridvan & Step 6
2023-05-02 Trust In God
#Bahai   #GodsWill   #Trust

Ask whatsoever thou wishest of Him alone; seek whatsoever thou seekest from Him alone...He carrieth out His Will, He ordaineth what He pleaseth. Then better for thee to bow down thy head in submission, and put thy trust in the All-Merciful Lord. #Bahai #GodsWill #Trust #abdulbaha

2023-04-30 Her Highness
#Majesty    #Woman
...we can assume the Authors mostly meant Persia's native Imperial Eagle in all its majesty. Actually in all HER majesty, as female eagles -- and other reptors, all the way back, it seems, to T. Rex et al -- are at least a third larger than their male counterparts. #Majesty #Woman #AbidingBlog2017Eagle
For Ninth of Ridvan & Step 5
2023-04-29 Be Of Service
#Bahai   #Service   #Love

Glory be unto Thee for that Thou hast confirmed me to the confessional of Thy Oneness, attracted me unto the word of Thy singleness, enkindled me by the fire of Thy love, and occupied me with Thy mention and the service of Thy friends and maid servants. #Bahai #Service #Love #abdulbaha

2023-04-23 Most Feared
#Strength    #Woman
...let's don't forget ['Abdu'l-Baha's] reminder that, "For her greater strength and fierceness, the lioness is more feared by the hunter than the lion." #Strength #Woman #AbidingBlog2017Lion
For First of Ridvan & Step 4
2023-04-21 Be The Cause
#Peace    #Happiness

Is any larger bounty conceivable than this, that an individual, looking within himself, should find that by the confirming grace of God he has become the cause of peace and well-being, of happiness and advantage to his fellow men? #Bahai #Peace #Happiness #abdulbaha

2023-04-16 Vying For

#Excellence  #Motivation

I gotta admit, though, that encouragement to "vie for excellence" is a great motivator. #Excellence #Motivation #AbidingBlog2017Vying
2023-04-09 Fargument
#Sniglet  #GoTooFar

From the Sniglet File: "Fargument: An argument that's going too far and may turn into a fight." #Sniglet #GoTooFar #LuckiMelanderWilder
2023-04-02 Steppage
#Sniglet  #Walking

From the Sniglet File: "Steppage: The number of steps walked in a day, especially when one has a target goal." #Sniglet #Walking #NancyBagley
2023-03-26 Gription
#Sniglet  #Walking

From the Sniglet File: "Gription: What you want in a shoe or boot to keep from falling on icy ground." #Sniglet #Walking #ReyWilder
For Naw-Ruz & Step 3
2023-03-21 Choose God
#Baha'i   #GodsWill  #ChooseGod

Commit thyself to God; give up thy will and choose that of God. #Bahai #GodsWill #ChooseGod #abdulbaha

2023-03-19 Happy Tears

#Joy   #TearsOfJoy

'Abdu'l-Baha once beseeched a woman, "Be filled with joy, so that thine eyes may be overflowing with tears of happiness and beatitude..." That too is a positive purpose of tears. What a gift! #Joy #TearsOfJoy #AbidingBlog2017Astonishment

2023-03-12 Antitoxins

#Crying   #TearsThatHeal

...emotional tears not only can relieve us psychologically, they also remove toxic stress hormones from our bodies. Which actually helps our heart, our brain, our whole corpus. #Crying #TearsThatHeal #AbidingBlog2017Tears

2023-03-05 Do Not Kill

#Crying   #TearsDoNotKill

I'm learning that allowing tears doesn't kill us. (Though suppressing them might.) #Crying #TearsDoNotKill #AbidingBlog2017Tears
For 19-Day (daylight) Fast & Step 2
2023-03-02 Find Truth
#Bahai   #Truth   #Openness

In order to find truth we must give up our prejudices, our own small trivial notions; an open receptive mind is essential. #Bahai #Truth #Openness #abdulbaha

2023-02-26 Grow The Most

#Experience   #Growth

Everything I experience can help me grow. In fact, it's often the worst of what I experience that helps me grow the most. #Experience #Growth #AbidingBlog2017Tears
For Ayyam-i-Ha & Step 1
2023-02-25 Know Thou
#Bahai   #ReflectionsOfGod   #Spirituality

Know, O thou posessors of insight, that true spirituality is like unto a lake of clear water which reflects the divine. #Bahai #ReflectionsOfGod #Spirituality #abdulbaha

2023-02-19 See Me Cry

#NeverCry   #NeverSeeMe

I spent most of my life making sure "they" never saw me cry. (Whoever the blazes "they" is.) ... I still don't know why that's changed. Not mentally. Not emotionally. I just know it has. #NeverCry #NeverSeeMe #AbidingBlog2017Tears

2023-02-12 No Solutions

#Spirituality   #Solutions

...without including spiritual solutions to our ills and ignorances, we can find no lasting solutions at all. #Spirituality #Solutions #AbidingBlog2017Endowment
2023-02-05 In Our Lives

#Spirituality   #InOurLives

[Think] about the spiritual as being equally important to the physical, mental, emotional, and societal. Having at least an equal, if not predominant, place in our lives. #Spirituality #InOurLives #AbidingBlog2017Endowment
2023-01-29 A Realization  
#GodDoes   #Recognize

The hard part for us, sometimes, is being able to recognize [God's] help for what it is. And that can be true regardless of whether or not we've asked. #GodDoes #Recognize #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-01-22 An Answer
#GodDoes   #Unexpected

"[God] may not give us the answer we want. He may not help us the way we expect. But He never doesn't help when asked. #GodDoes #Unexpected #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-01-15 This Promise
#Ask   #GodDoes

"God could and would if He were sought."'s just the second part that's the promise. God can [help], and He may regardless of whether we ask Him or not. But when we do ask, He WILL. Period. #Ask #GodDoes #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-01-08 This Fact
#GodCan   #GodsPlan

"God could and would if He were sought." I believe the first part is a statement of fact. God is able to [help] whether we ask Him or not. And sometimes He does even when we don't ask... #GodCan #GodsPlan #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2023-01-01 The Manual

#ReadTheManual   #ActLikeIt

...if there's anything I learned right up front as a programmer, it's to READ THE MANUAL. And then use the brains God gave me to apply it. #ReadTheManual #OneActLikeIt #AbidingBlog2017Endowment

Feel free to email me to offer feedback, request a high-reolution image, receive occasional reminders of new entries, or call attention to your own (un)favorites. Not all feedback necessarily appears for this page, and may be edited for links, typos, multi-source redundancy, and relevancy. That doesn't mean, though, that we consider negative feedback irrelevant, edit it for content, or refuse to post it, as negative feedback can often help us learn to do more and better. 

email your feedback with MEMES and the entry date as the subject

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