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Aphorisms & Memes
(2018 Archives)
Lucki Melander Wilder

" #PleaseStealThese "  -- Lucki

Often seek fancy quotes. "Wish someone'd do a cool poster of that." But I'm someone. Needn't just wish. Can do. So, doing. New one each week. Plus some bonuses. Pithy; uplifting; thought-provoking; silly. Feel free to copy/paste any images anywhere. Your website. Blog. FB. Instagram. Snapchat. Tweets. Emails. T-shirt. Poster. But just for your personal use, not $-making. Please don't crop credit lines. Do use hashtags. Let us know what starts trending. And feel free to email me to request a high-reolution copy of any image(s) on this page.

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Welcome to the Home of the 2018 Aphorisms-Memes Family. Beyond this welcome mat are links-lists by date & by hashtag, followed by 66 Aphorisms & Memes featured in 2018. Enjoy them, & use/hashtag them in your own social media.

Entries for 2018
01-01 Marley Ghost 
01-08 Life Saving
01-15 Acceptance
01-22 Boat Rocking
01-29 Be There
02-05 Serious & Fun
02-12 Time Travel
02-19 Wordplay
02-25 My Home
02-26 Every Twig
03-02 Guard Ye
03-05 It's A Lie
03-12 If We Stop
03-19 Tone Of Face
03-21 Be Happy
03-26 Love Seeing
04-02 Easier Work
04-09 Have To Be
04-16 Creative Word
04-21 Love Me
04-23 Loving Story
04-29 Same Dust
04-30 Young Vision
05-02 Hidden Sword
05-07 Not Immune
05-14 Our Hells
05-21 Reflections
05-24 Shining Spark
05-28 Faith Is Fun
05-29 I Knew
06-04 Widow's Peaks
06-11 Memories
06-18 Weirdest Way
06-25 Good Sex
07-02 Uplift World
07-09 Who Pass
07-10 Fire Light
07-16 Use A Vice
07-23 One Question
07-30 Rainbow
08-06 Social Media
08-13 Greatest Gift
08-20 I'm Lucki
08-27 He Sang
09-03 Old Cliche
09-10 Work You Love
09-17 Heartbeat
09-24 Raise A Child
10-01 Price Tag
10-08 One Blessing
10-15 Beauty & Joy
10-22 Family Unity
10-29 Mine Chose Me
11-05 Intrigued
11-09 Sorrow Not
11-10 Done in Love
11-12 Love So Much
11-19 Just In Case
11-26 Protect Us
11-26 Closeness
11-28 This Season
12-03 Heaven Is
12-10 Get Over It
12-17 Just Accept
12-24 Connected
12-31 She Loves You

KEY - List Date-color:
Black = General
Gold = Upcoming
Red = Baha'i Event
Violet = In the Rooms

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xHashtags for 2018   #Accepting 2   #AcceptMyself 2   #ActOfPrayer   #Adoption   #Assumptions   #Bahai 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13   #Beauty   #BePresent   #BurningQuestion   #Caring   #CatStare   #Closeness 2   #Creation 2   #Depression   #DepressionIsALiar   #DontGiveUp   #EndPrejudice   #EscapeHell   #Failure   #FaithIsFun   #FaithNotBlind   #Family 2   #GetTheJobDone   #GodInAll   #GodIsPersonal   #GodsProtection   #GoodCharacter   #GoodMarriage   #GoodSex   #GoThroughIt   #GreatestGift   #Healing   #Heartbeat   #Heaven   #Hell   #Home   #HowAreYou   #InfiniteMercy   #ItTakesAVillage   #JustAccept   #Joy 2 3   #LetItGo   #LetThereBeLight   #LifeIsTooShort  #LifeJourney   #Listen   #Love 2 3 4 5 6   #MarleyGhost   #MaybeImBiased   #Memories   #NotImmune   #OpportunityKnocks 2   #Passing   #PassItBack   #PassItOn 2   #PersonalDecision   #PlayWithWords   #Prayer   #PrayerWorks 2 3   #Rainbow   #RealAnswers   #ReflectionsOfGod 2 3   #Religion 2   #RockTheBoat   #RowingTogether   #Scripture   #SeriousButFun 2   #SilverLining   #SocialMedia   #SoulsConnected   #SpeakOut   #SpeakUp   #Stories 2   #TANSTAAFL  #Teaching   #ThankfulForMemories   #ThePoor   #ThoughtfulProcess   #ToneOfFace   #Truth   #TwoSidesSameCoin   #UnifyTheWorld   #Unity   #UpliftTheWorld   #Vision   #WhatGoesAround   #WhatIsLove   #WhereWhen   #WhoAreYou   #WidowsPeak   #WordOfGod   #Wordplay   #Work 2   #WorkIsWorship   #WorkYouLove   #WorthHaving   #YourValue   #Youth  

2018-12-31 She Loves You
God doesn't love you 'cuz She created you. She created you 'cuz She loved you. And She knew She did. ... Everything you honestly do to become more worthy makes Her heart swell with love. Everything you carelessly do to become less worthy makes Her heart break with love. But it's always love. You don't have a choice. Nothing you can do about it. She loves you whether you lke it or not. #Love #ReflectionsOfGod #Recovery
2018-12-24 Connected
Or maybe, still, I'm right and souls really are connected. By some silken strang. Not through, but outside of, space and time. Maybe this soul recognizes that soul in need, and cries (out) to help. #SoulsConnected #Closeness #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-12-17 Just Accept
#Accepting   #JustAccept
Sometimes you have to stop trying to find WAYS to accept, and just ACCEPT. #Accepting #JustAccept #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-12-10 Get Over It

#GoThroughIt   #LetItGo
"Get over it" is just code.  "Suck it up." "Grow up."  Code for women: "Stop being childish." "Don't get hysterical."  Code for men: "Don't be a sissy." "Man up."  Wrong. All wrong. You gotta go through what you're going through to get to where you're going to. THEN you can let it go. #GoThroughIt #LetItGo #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2018-12-03 Heaven Is
#Heaven   #InfiniteMercy
Heaven is infinite mercy ... no one lost, no one less. #Heaven #InfiniteMercy #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Ascension (passing) of 'Abdu'l-Baha
2018-11-28 This Season
If we are not happy and joyous at this season, for what other season shall we wait and for what other time shall we look? #Bahai #Joy #abdulbaha

2018-11-26 Closeness
#Closeness   #Caring
CLOSENESS  It means time. It means energy. It means opening up your heart. It means truly caring about the concerns of the other. It means feeling their pain and sharing their joy. #Closeness #Caring #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Day of the Covenant
2018-11-26 Protect Us
Protect us from what lieth in front of us and behind us, above our heads, on our right, on our left, below our feet and every other side to which we are exposed. #Bahai #GodsProtection #thebab

2018-11-19 Just In Case
I had a life preserver that'd been thrown to me, I told the group, and I needed to throw it out for someone else. Anyone else. Whether I could see them or not. Just in case. #PassItOn #WhatGoesAround #Recovery
2018-11-12 Love So Much
...if, as they say, you can love someone so much it hurts, can you love someone so much it heals? #Love #Healing #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Birth of Baha'u'llah (Twin Birthdays)
2018-11-10 Done In Love
#Baha'i   #Love

Whatever is done in love is never any trouble, and - there is always time. #Bahai #Love #abdulbaha
For the Birth of the Bab (Twin Birthdays)
2018-11-09 Sorrow Not
#Baha'i   #LifeJourney
O Son of Being! Sorrow not save that thou art far from Us. Rejoice not save that thou art drawing near and returning unto Us. #Bahai #LifeJourney #bahaullah
2018-11-05 Intrigued
#FaithNotBlind   #ThoughtfulProcess

I was...intrigued that faith could be such a thoughtful process, not one given to blind acceptance of tradition. #FaithNotBlind #ThoughtfulProcess #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-10-29 Mine Chose Me
#Family   #Adoption
I smile to remember how forearmed I became, even so young...Seems a neighbor lady called us to "complain" that her som had come home crying, begging to be adopted. 'Cuz I'd told him that his mother had to take whatever she got, while my mother personally chose me. #Family #Adoption #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-10-22 Family Unity
#Family   #Unity

The essential atom, basic building block, catalytic chain-link of world unity is family unity. #Family #Unity #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-10-15 Beauty & Joy
#Beauty   #Joy
The simple beauty and joy of living #Beauty #Joy #Recovery
2018-10-08 One Blessing
#Prayer   #Scripture

One of the blessings of having and using scriptural prayers is confidence that I'm not praying for the wrong things. #Prayer #Scripture #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-10-01 Price Tag
#WorthHaving   #TANSTAAFL

Nothing worth having comes without a price tag. Nothing. #WorthHaving #TANSTAAFL #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-09-24 Raise A Child
As many Afridan cultures have declared in very similar proverbs, it does indeed take a whole community to raise a child. Children's characters are formed not merely by their parents but by others in their environment. They need opportunities to get to know good people. #ItTakesAVillage #GoodCharacter #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-09-17 Heartbeat
...the Big Bang involved compression waves. Sound. And that sound is still resonating throughout the universe...It fascinates me that part of it sounds like a human heartbeat. God sharing a little in-joke with us? #Creation #Heartbeat #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-09-10 Work You Love
#Work  #WorkYouLove
I've often said that the great bounty of doing work you live is this: Being able and allowed to do it makes up for all the scutwork that also comes with the job. #Work #WorkYouLove #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-09-03 Old Cliche
Old cliches become cliches because they encapsulate a truth: All evil needs to thrive is the silence of good people. If I dont speak up for others at risk, in all justice who will be left to speak up for me when I'm at risk? #SpeakUp #SpeakOut #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-08-27 He Sang
And a performer friend also shared with me the joyous idea that God didn't just say creation into being, He sang it into being. #Creation #LetThereBeLight #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-08-20 I'm Lucki
#WhoAreYou  #HowAreYou
When I introduce myself to people in the rooms, I say, "I'm Lucki." When they ask me how I'm doing ... I say, "I'm Lucki." #WhoAreYou #HowAreYou #Recovery
2018-08-13 Greatest Gift
#GreatestGift  #Stories
When we're in the rooms of a twelve-step program, the greatest gift we can give each other is our story. #GreatestGift #Stories #Recovery
2018-08-06 Social Media
I'm not into social media. I'm not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, whateer the latest and greatest is. ... Not 'cuz I don't undersgtand the technology. 'Cuz life's too short, at my age, to spend any more of it than I already do in front of a screen instead of in the presence of real live people. Engaged in physical activity. Immersed in a good book I can not only see but experience the texture and smell and helft and tactile page-turning of. Or in meditative contact with the universe and its/my Creator. #SocialMedia #LifeIsTooShort #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-07-30 Rainbow
Did you know that everyone looking at a rainbow sees a different one? 'Cuz no two people are standing exactly in the same place at the same time...The same can be said about each individual's perception of God. #Rainbow #ReflectionsOfGod #WentworthMiller
2018-07-23 One Question
#BurningQuestion  #Religion
I think that everyone has at least one burning question they need their Faith to answer. #BurningQuestion #Religion #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-07-16 Use A Vice
#TwoSidesSameCoin  #GetTheJobDone
Rememer that when God can't find a virtue--like love---to help us through, He'll use a vice--like vanity--to get the job done. #TwoSidesSameCoin #GetTheJobDone #Recovery
For the Martyrdom of the Bab
2018-07-10 Fire Light
#Bahai   #SilverLining
O Son of Man! My calamity is My providence, outwardly it is fire and vengeance, but inwardly it is light and mercy. #Bahai #SilverLining #bahaullah
2018-07-09 Who Pass
#PersonalDecision   #Passing

No dig at people who choose to pass...for white or straight. Be it 'til they're ready to come out, or for their whole liefe. They've weighed alternatives. Decided that what they stand to gain in entitlement or ease outweighs the toll. Just 'cuz they made a different decision than me doesn't mean they're wrong and I'm right. It's a personal decision. #PersonalDecision #Passing #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-07-02 Uplift World
#UpliftTheWorld   #UnifyTheWorld
We cannot get distracted and expend all our energies on piecemeal efforts to protest one injustice or promote another political agenda or help just some small segment of society. We must concentrate on what can bring justice for and unify and uplift the whole world. #UpliftTheWorld #UnifyTheWorld #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-06-25 Good Sex
#GoodSex   #GoodMarriage
...a good marriage isn't built on good sex; good sex is built on a good marriage. A loving, trusting, communicating, sharing, faithful, fun marriage. #GoodSex #GoodMarriage #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-06-18 Weirdest Way
#PrayerWorks   #RealAnswers
And boy owdy, can prayers be answered in the weirdest ways. Which doesn't make the answers any less real. #PrayerWorks #RealAnswers #Recovery #WentworthMiller
2018-06-11 Memories
#Memories   #ThankfulForMemories
I've had a long, fulfilling life, and I'm thankful for all the memories. #Memories #ThankfulForMemories #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-06-04 Widow's Peaks
#WidowsPeak   #MaybeImBiased
Widow's peaks are tres cool. Worth showing off. But then, having one of my own, maybe I'm biased? #WidowsPeak #MaybeImBiased #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Ascension (passing) of Baha'u'llah

2018-05-29 I Knew
#Bahai   #Love
O Son of Man! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty. #Bahai #Love #bahaullah

2018-05-28 Faith Is Fun   
#FaithIsFun   #SeriousButFun
Faith that enriches one's life? Enlivens one's spirit? Strengthens one in the face of challenges? Inspires one to help build a better world? And ensures one of receiving and giving unconditional love? That faith is its own reward. Having that kind of faith is just plain more fun. #FaithIsFun #SeriousButFun #Recovery
For the Declaration of the Bab
2018-05-24 Shining Spark
#Bahai   #Truth
The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of differing opinions #Bahai #Truth #abdulbaha
2018-05-21 Reflections
#ReflectionsOfGod   #GodInAll
When we laud the best in other people, we are lauding reflections of God. When we appreciate the beauty of nature, we are appreciating reflections of God. When we are awed by the complexity of the universe, we are being awed by reflections of God. #ReflectionsOfGod #GodInAll #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-05-14 Our Hells
#Hell   #EscapeHell

There's no God-created hell. But God can help us escape the Hells we created. #Hell #EscapeHell #Recovery
2018-05-07 Not Immune
#Assumptions   #NotImmune
Default assumptions are really insidious. I'm not immune. #Assumptions #NotImmune #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Twelfth of Ridvan
2018-05-02 Hidden Sword
#Bahai   #YourValue
O My Servant! Thou art even as a finely tempered sword concealed in the darkness of its sheath and its value hidden from the artificer's knowledge. Wherefore come forth from the sheath of self and desire that thy worth may be made resplendent and manifest unto all the world. #Bahai #YourValue #bahaullah

2018-04-30 Young Vision
#Youth   #Vision
At some point, the vision of the young is more far-reaching than ours, and we need to look at the goal they see. To force them to limit themselves to our vision is to admit that we have failed to lift them up. #Youth #Vision #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the Ninth of Ridvan
2018-04-29 Same Dust
#Bahai   #EndPrejudice
O Children of Men! Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. #Bahai #EndPrejudice #bahaullah
2018-04-23 Loving Story
#Stories   #ActOfPrayer
I realized that--just as doing the best work I can in a spirit of Service is an act of worship--telling a loving story about somebody as best I can is an act of prayer. A life-giving prayer. #Stories #ActOfPrayer #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For the First of Ridvan
2018-04-21 Love Me
#Bahai   #Love
O Son of Being! Love Me, that I may love thee. If though lovest Me not, My love can in no wise reach thee. #Bahai #Love #bahaullah
2018-04-16 Creative Word
#PrayerWorks   #WordOfGod
To my mind, prayers that come from the Creative Word of God are inarguably the most powerful form of prayer. #PrayerWorks #WordOfGod #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-04-09 Have To Be
#Accepting   #AcceptMyself
Accepting isn't anything I can always do, or make happen. Accepting is just how I have to be. #Accepting #AcceptMyself #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-04-02 Easier Work
#Work   #WorkIsWorship
It's easier to work worshipfully when you love what you do. #Work #WorkIsWorship #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-03-26 Love Seeing
#Love   #WhatIsLove
Is love seeing the other person as they really are? Is love seeing what they could be(come) with your support? Is love letting them see you as you really are? Is love seeing what you could be(come) with their support? Are those mutually exclusive, or can (must?) they all be true? #Love #WhatIsLove #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For Naw-Ruz (New Year)
2018-03-21 Be Happy
#Bahai   #Joy
Be happy! Be happy! Be full of joy! #Bahai #Joy #abdulbaha
2018-03-19 Tone of Face
#ToneOfFace   #CatStare
Don't look at me in that tone of face. #ToneOfFace #CatStare #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-03-12 If We Stop
#Failure   #DontGiveUp
The only time we can fail is if we stop trying. #Failure #DontGiveUp #TwingsOfAFamilyTree

2018-03-05 It's A Lie
#Depression   #DepressionIsALiar
Sometimes, even more than prayer, scientific knowledge gave me a mantra to help protect me from dying of depression after I'd stopped self-medicating. "It's a lie. I don't feel this way. Not my spirit. Not my soul. It's only some wonky chemicals oozing across my brain. They'll eventually go away. I don't have to. All I have to do is hang in there 'til they're gone. I can do that. That's what's true." #Depression #DepressionIsALiar #Recovery
For the 19-Day (daylight) Fast
2018-03-02 Guard Ye
#Bahai   #ThePoor
O Ye Rich Ones on Earth! The poor in your midst are My trust; guard ye My trust, and be not intent only on your own ease. #Bahai #ThePoor #bahaullah

2018-02-26 Every Twig
#Teaching   #OpportunityKnocks
...every twig on a tree and every pebble on a path is another teaching opportunity. #Teaching #OpportunityKnocks #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For Ayyan-i-Ha (interclary days)
2018-02-25 My Home
#Bahai   #Home

My home is the home of peace. My home is the home of joy and delight. My home is the home of laughter and exultation. Whosoever comes through the portals of this home must go with a gladsome heart. This is the home of light, whosoever enters here must become illumined. #Bahai #Home #abdulbaha
2018-02-19 Wordplay
#Wordplay   #PlayWithWords
Even talking about the deepest, most heartfelt matters, my brain wants to play with words. #Wordplay #PlayWithWords #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-02-12 Time Travel
#PrayerWorks   #WhereWhen
And prayer can time-travel. If my prayer here can help someone wherever they are, then my prayer now can help someone whenever they are. Lightyears or life-years, it's all the same. So maybe I'm paying some of it back(wards). #PrayerWorks #WhereWhen #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-02-05 Serious & Fun
#Religion   #SeriousButFun
Religion should be a source of joy and upliftment, serious but fun. #Religion #SeriousButFuin #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-01-29 Be There
#OpportunityKnocks   #BePresent
Gotta be THERE there when opportunity scratches at the window. #OpportunityKnocks #BePresent #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-01-22 Boat Rocking
#RockTheBoat   #RowingTogether
Sometimes rocking the boat is what's needed to wake the people up and get them rowing. First with each other. Then with the oars. #RockTheBoat #RowingTogether #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-01-15 Acceptance
#AcceptMyself   #GodIsPersonal

Acceptance is an individual, personal thing because everything God does is personal; and I have to just accept being the person He created me to be. #AcceptMyself #GodIsPersonal #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2018-01-08 Life Saving
#PassItOn   #PassItBack
Still, when we hear life-affirming, life-changing, life-saving stories in recovery, we take them to heart. And we pass them on. Just in case. Life preservers. Or sometimes, just in case, we pass them back. #PassItOn #PassItBack #Recovery
2018-01-01 Marley Ghost
#MarleyGhost  #Listen
You know, somewhere along the way, I learned that when a ghost comes up out of the past to warn yu, listen. I don't mean a nagging, self-criticizing, shaming, fearful ghost. I mean the kind with your best interest at heart. A Jacob Marley ghost. #MarleyGhost #Listen #TwigsOfAFamilyTree


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