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Aphorisms & Memes
(2019 Archives)
Lucki Melander Wilder

" #PleaseStealThese "  -- Lucki

This year's quotes alternate between Twigs of a Family Tree [What?] and the rooms of recovery. Plus a baker's dozen Baha'i events ... also with a nod to the 12 Steps. Feel free to copy/paste any images anywhere. Your social media, emails, a card, poster, T-shirt. But just for your personal use, not $-making. Please don't crop credit lines. Do use hashtags. Feel free to email me to request a high-reolution copy of any image(s) on this page. And enjoy!

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Welcome to the Home of the 2019 Aphorisms-Memes Family. Beyond this welcome mat are links-lists by date & by hashtag, followed by 66 Aphorisms & Memes featured in 2019. Enjoy them, & use/hashtag them in your own social media.

Entries for 2019
01-01 Decision
01-08 Prayer Is
01-15 Let It Go
01-22 Know It All
01-29 Very Patient
02-05 Unique Gift
02-12 Changes
02-19 A Good One
02-26 I Testify
02-26 I Walked
03-02 Sufficient
03-05 Will She Care
03-12 How Big
03-19 Whole Family
03-21 With Him
03-26 The Bottom
04-02 To Reflect
04-09 I'm Not
04-16 Asking
04-21 Faults
04-23 God Laughs
04-29 Search Out
04-30 Being Sincere
05-02 Rise Then
05-07 Hostage
05-14 Love Doesn't
05-21 God Isn't
05-24 Be Patient
05-28 Sponsor Story
05-29 Free Thyself
06-04 Too Smart
06-11 Feelings
06-18 God's Will
06-25 All Lies
07-02 A Gift
07-09 We Build It
07-10 Make Amends
07-16 We Get To
07-23 Nice To Know
07-30 Newcomer
08-06 Compare
08-13 Listen Anyway
08-20 Call Her
08-27 Thanks For
09-03 To Care
09-10 Short Lead
09-17 First Stone
09-24 Power Over
10-01 Act Like It
10-08 In Mind
10-15 Hyper
10-22 Start Living
10-29 At The Onset
10-29 Do Believe
10-30 Forget All
11-05 In The Order
11-12 Insist On
11-19 Want To Be
11-26 Be & Act
11-26 Not Anymore
11-28 Of The Spirit
12-03 A Mixture
12-10 Wires Fires
12-17 If You Look
12-24 A Promise
12-31 Responsible

KEY - List Date-color:
Black = General/Twigs
Gold = Upcoming
Red = Step/Baha'i Event
Violet = In the Rooms

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xHashtags for 2019  #ActLikeIt 2   #Addiction 2 3 4 5   #AdmitWrongs   #Alone   #Ambush 2   #Amends   #Bahai 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13   #Belief   #BlindSpot   #CareOfGod   #Caring   #Change   #ConsciousContact   #Courage   #Decisions   #DepressionIsALiar   #Detachment 2   #DontCompare   #EntirelyReady   #Expectations   #Family   #Feelings   #FirstStone   #GetOverIt   #God 2 3 4  #GodGivenPower   #GodIsNot   #GodLaughs   #GodsWill   #Gratitude   #GreatestLesson   #Heaven   #Hell 2   #HigherPower   #HittingBottom   #Homonormativity   #HumblyAsk   #IfYouWant   #Indecision   #InTheRooms   #ItsALie   #Laughter   #Legwork   #LetItBe   #LetItGo   #LifeJourney 2 3 4 5 6   #Listen    #Love 2 3 4 5   #MakeAmends 2   #MoralInventory   #MostImportant   #NotAlone   #NothingChanges   #NotImmune   #OurGod   #Parable   #PersonalInventory   #PersonalStory   #Powerless   #Prayer 2 3 4 5 6  #Prejudice   #Present   #Principles   #Problems   #Progress   #Promise   #Purpose    #Qualfied   #Questions   #ReflectionsOfGod 2   #Relationships 2   #Responsibility   #Serenity   #ShowUp 2   #Silence   #SomebodyCares   #Sponsorship   #StartLiving   #Stories 2   #Strength   #Suicide   #SurvivalMechanism   #Think  #Today   #TooSmart   #TooStupid   #Uptight   #Walls   #Welcome   #WhatImNot   #Willingness  

2019-12-31 Responsible
#Responsibility   #Legwork
God is responsible for the plan. God is responsible for the results. I'm responsible for the legwork in between. #Responsibility #Legwork #Recovery
2019-12-24 A Promise
#Love   #Promise
[God] loves you ... And that love isn't merely an emotion. That love is a promise. You can trust to it. #Love #Promise #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-12-17 If You Look
#Detachment   #ReflectionsOfGod
If you look at people and see their faults, you'll get uptight. If you look at them and see God, you'll be alright. #Detachment #ReflectionsOfGod #Recovery

2019-12-10 Wires Fires
#Addiction   #Ambush the malleable brain, what fires together wires together...And what wires together fires together...And fire consumes. #Addiction #Ambush #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2019-12-03 A Mixture
#Amends   #MakeAmends
Amends is a mixture. Like air. Apology. Improvement Restitution #Amends #MakeAmends #Recovery
Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha & the 12 Steps
2019-11-28 Of The Spirit
#Bahai   #Addiction
O Divine Providence! Bestow Thou in all things purity and cleanliness upon the people of Baha [Glory]. Grant that they be freed from all defilement, and released from all addictions...  "...bring me, O cup-bearer, of the wine of the SPIRIT a cup full as the sea." #Bahai #Addiction #abdulbaha

2019-11-26 Not Anymore
Somehow...that speech cut through the fog.  ...  I tried to suicide at 15, too...Just a slower method. Not a bottle of pills. A bottle of booze. I didn't realize it 'til that moment. He made me see what my drinking was about. Subconscious suicide...because I thought there was no help. But there was. He didn't die; and I don't have to, either. Not anymore. #Addiction #Suicide #WentworthMiller
Day of the Covenant & Step 12
2019-11-26 Be & Act
#Bahai   #Principles
Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distintguish all thine acts. #Bahai #Principles #bahaullah

2019-11-19 Want To Be

#IfYouWant   #ActLikeIt
If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. If you want to be appreciated, shut up. #IfYouWant #ActLikeIt #Recovery

2019-11-12 Insist On

Insist on what someone sees, that's what they'll see. Insist on what someone is, that's what they'll be. #Expectations #Prejudice #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2019-11-05 In The Order
#Addiction   #LifeJourney
God remoes our addictions in the order that they're killing us. #Addiction #LifeJourney #Recovery
For Birth of Baha'u'llah (Twin Birthdays)
& Step 11      2019-10-30 Forget All
Forget all save Me and commune with My spirit. #Bahai #ConsciousContact #bahaullah
2019-10-29 Do Believe
...people who say they don't believe there's a God may still describe what they do believe with terms that a loving, listening ear can recognize and accept as a valid personal description of God. Whether they use the word or not. And...we have no right to insist they use that word if it just doesn't work for them. #God #Belief #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
For Birth of the Bab (Twin Birthdays) & Step 10
2019-10-29 At The Outset
#Bahai   #PersonalInventory
At athe outset of every endeavour, it is incumbent to look to the end of it. #Bahai #PersonalInventory #bahaullah
2019-10-22 Start Living
I've known people who when they stopped using, they stopped living. In the program when we stop using, we START living. #LifeJourney #StartLiving #Recovery
2019-10-15 Hyper
#Homonormativity   #Uptight
You know how we say in meetings about being sick and tired of being sick and tired? I'M sick and tired of guys who demand--what's it called--like, HYPER-homonormativity? Looking, acting, liking; so uptight. #Homonormativity #Uptight #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-10-08 In Mind
Think   #Silence
Prayer doesn't change God. Prayer changes me. All I have to do is ask God for help with something. And then ACT like I asked God for help with itNot everything that comes into my mind has to come out of my mouth. #Think #Silence #Recovery
2019-10-01 Act Like It
#Prayer   #ActLikeIt
Prayer doesn't change God. Prayer changes me. All I have to do is ask God for help with something. And then ACT like I asked God for help with it. #Prayer #ActLikeIt #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-09-24 Power Over
#GodGivenPower   #Detachment
God has given me power over my disease, my recovery, my life. She hasn't given me power over yours. #GodGivenPower #Detachment #Recovery
2019-09-17 First Stone
FirstStone   #GreatestLesson
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..." JOHN 8:7 Christ may have considered that the most important lesson He ever had to teach. Because it's the only one we know of where He wrote it down. Even though He knew there were no scribes around to read it for people. Still He stopped and wrote it down before saying it. To alert them to how important it was? #FirstStone #GreatestLesson #Bible
2019-09-10 Short Lead
#Alone   #NotAlone
Shortest Lead Ever? (on a quote from the 12 & 12) " 'We don't have to be alone any more.'  What more can I say? " #Alone #NotAlone #Recovery
2019-09-03 To Care
#Purpose   #Caring
An atheist refutes the accusation that he thingks creation is all random chance with no purpose: "There IS a purpose...To care. To make each others' lives ricker, happier. To make the world a better place." #Purpose #Caring #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
Thanks For
God   #Gratitude
I thank God for the 12 Steps, and the 12 Steps for God. #God #Gratitude #Recovery
2019-08-20 Call Her
God doesn't care what you call Her as long as you call on Her. #God #Prayer #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-08-13 Listen Anyway
#Listen   #BlindSpot
Yes, you can see other people's blind spots. Listen to them anyway. 'Cuz they can show you yours. #Listen #BlindSpot #Recovery
2019-08-06 Compare
Don't compare yourself to others...There's always someone better, always someone worse. It can make you arrogant and ashamed at the same time. Just compare yourself today to yourself yesterday. Bring yourself to account each day. Concentrate on your progress. and sherish it. Being truthful and kind to yourself. #Don'tCompare #Progress #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-07-30 Newcomer
To the Newcomer! Welcome to your first meeting. It's the second most important meeting of your life. The MOST important is your second meeting, 'cuz it means you came back. #Welcome #MostImportant #Recovery
2019-07-23 Nice To Know
#Prayer   #SomebodyCares
An atheist's take on a friend praying for him: It's always nice to know somebody cares about you, even when you think they're being silly. #Prayer #SomebodyCares #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-07-16 We Get To  
We don't HAVE TO stay in the rooms for the rest of our lives. We GET to! #InTheRooms #LifeJourney #Recovery
For Martyrdom of the Bab & Step 9
2019-07-10 Make Amends
#Bahai   #MakeAmends
Arise, and make amends for that which escaped thee. #Bahai #MakeAmends #bahaullah
2019-07-09 We Build It
#Hell   #Walls
What if there's a hell? There is. We build it. We construct this wall separating ourselves from God. Brick by brick. Wide and high and thick, brick by brick. And God loves us so much, He respects our boundaries. He lets us hide behind our wall. but you know, if we take even one step to tear that wall down before we leave, if we let God reach through to us, if we stop making our hell here, then we don't have to worry about hell there. #Hell #Walls #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-07-02 A Gift
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. #Present #Today #Recovery
2019-06-25 All Lies
Your addiction lies to you ... Your depression lies to you. The committee in your head lies to you. The judgmental bleeding deacon in the rooms lies to you. Don't listen. Don't own what they say. It's not true. Lies. All lies. Told by liars. Listen to God. Own what He says. That's what's true. #ItsALie #DepressionIsALiar #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-06-18 God's Will
#GodsWill   #Serenity
God's will for you is Sobriety, Sanity, and Serenity. #GodsWill #Serenity #Recovery
2019-06-11 Feelings
People in the rooms who say "get over it" about our feelings make me a little bitter ... The way to deal with felings is to go through them, not to run away from them or stuff them down or "just get over" them. #Feelings #GetOverIt #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-06-04 Too Smart
#TooSmart   #TooStupid
No one is too stupid to get this program. But some people are too smart. #TooSmart #TooStupid #Recovery
For Ascension
(passing) of Baha'u'llah & Step 8
2019-05-29 Free Thyself
#Bahai   #Willingness
Free thyself from the fetters of this world, and loose thy soul from the prison of self. #Bahai #Willingness #bahaullah

2019-05-28 Sponsor Story
In the rooms of recovery, it's important for members to learn that others, including those with longer sobriety than they, actually came from pretty much the same places. Did pretty much the same things. That's why sponsors need to share their own stories with their sponsees. Not to one-up them. Just to give them greater clarity about their past. Real hope for their future. And informed forgiveness from us. So they can begin to forgive themselves. #Sponsorship #Stories #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
Declaration of the Bab & Step 7
2019-05-24 Be Patient
#Bahai   #HumblyAsk
Be patient under all conditions, and place your whole trust and confidence in God. #Bahai #HumblyAsk #bahaullah

2019-05-21 God Isn't
God is not A God. God is not MY God. God is OUR God. #God #GodIsNot #Recovery

2019-05-14 Love Doesn't
Unconditional love...doesn't mean being a doormat. It means holding for my loved one whatever space they need. And being my best self in the process. #Love #Relationships #WentworthMiller#DominicPurcell #Wentnic

2019-05-07 Hostage
Possession isn't love. Users don't form relationships. They take hostages. #Love #Relationships #Recovery
For Twelfth of Ridvan & Step 6
2019-05-02 Rise Then
Noble have I created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created. #Bahai #EntirelyReady #bahaullah

2019-04-30 Being Sincere
#Prayer   #ShowUp
Whatever you pray is sincere. It's as sincere as you can be at the time. Sometimes just saying the words, knowing you don't mean them yet, is as sincere as you can get... God understands. God answers... God accepts what you're able to offer and uses it to help you prepare to offer more. Offer the prayer you can in the moment, no matter how poor you think it is. That's being sincere. #Prayer #ShowUp #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
Ninth of Ridvan & Step 5
2019-04-29 Search Out
#Bahai   #AdmitWrongs
They must in every matter search out the truth and not insist upon their own opinion, for stubbornness and persistence in one's views will lead ultimately to discord and wrangling and the truth will remain hidden. #Bahai #AdmitWrongs #abdulbaha

2019-04-23 God Laughs
#GodLaughs   #LifeJourney
If you want to hear God laugh, tell Her YOUR plans. #GodLaughs #LifeJourney #Recovery
First of Ridvan & Step 4
2019-04-21 Faults
#Bahai   #MoralInventory
How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? #Faults #MoralInventory #bahaullah

2019-04-16 Asking
#Courage   #Strength
Asking for help is a sign of courage. A sign of strength. #Courage #Strength #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2019-04-09 I'm Not
TOP 10 THINGS I'M NOT  I'm your sponsor. I'm not your mother, friend, therapist, doctor, lawyer, priest, financial advisor, load officer, agent, wingman. I'm not qualified to do their jobs. They're not qualified to do mine. #WhatImNot #Qualified #Recovery

2019-04-02 To Reflect
#Love   #ReflectionsOfGod
If I define my Creator as giving me unconditional love, as loving me whether I love Her back or not, as loving me even when I do things that break Her heart, then that's the definition of love I must strive to emulate. That's the divine attribute I must try to humanly reflect. #Love #ReflectionsOfGod #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2019-03-26 The Bottom
Hitting bottom was when my quality of life fell faster than I could lower my standards. #HittingBottom #Hell #Recovery
For Naw-Ruz (New Year) & Step 3
2019-03-21 With Him
#Bahai   #CareOfGod
Put thy whole confidence in the grace of God, thy Lord. Let Him be thy trust in whatever thou doest, and be of them that have submitted themselves to His Will. Let Him be thy helper and enrich thyself with His treasures, for with Him are the treasuries of the heavens and of the earth. #Bahai #CareOfGod #bahaullah

2019-03-19 Whole Family
#Family   #NotImmune
...the sickness of alcoholism infects the whole family even if the alcoholic is the only one drinking. #Family #NotImmune #TwigsOfAFamilyTree

2019-03-12 How Big
#Problems   #Prayer
Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big GOD is. #Problems #Prayer #Recovery
2019-03-05 Will She Care
#Heaven   #LifeJourney
…when you’re standing at the gate of the Kingdom and God asks you to review your life, you think She’s going to care how much money you made? How many prizes you won? How many art critics sang your praises? Or is She maybe going to say that by sharing your story, or by using your art to make it heart-touching, you saved another alcoholic’s life? Will She list your bank account numbers? Or all the spiritual gems you accumulated? If you protest that nobody knew you, won’t She answer, ‘I knew you’? #Heaven #LifeJourney #TwingsOfAFamilyTree
19-Day (daylight) Fast & Step 2
2019-03-02 Sufficient
God is sufficient unto me; He verily is the All-sufficing! In Him let the trusting trust. #Bahai #HigherPower #thebab
2019-02-26 I Walked
PARABLE: I walked down the street & fell into a hole. I sturuggled & sruggled & finally got out.   I walked down the street & fell into another hole. I got out easier.   I walked down the street & walked around another hole.   I walked down another street.   I walked down the street & repaired the holes so no one, including me, would fall in again. #Parable #LifeJourney #Recovery
Ayyam-i-Ha & Step 1
2019-02-26 I Testify
I testify, at this moment, to my powerless and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth. #Bahai #Powerless #bahaullah
2019-02-19 A Good One
#Laughter   #SurvivalMechanism
...we've really learned to laugh at ourselves. Baha'is and twelve-steppers both. It's a survival mechanism. A community builder. A good one. A gift from our higher power. #Laughter #SurvivalMechanism #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-02-12 Changes
If  nothing ever changes, nothing ever changes. #Change #NothingChanges #Recovery
2019-02-05 Unique Gift
#Stories   #PersonalStory
We can talk about the literature. We can talk about the steps and traditions. We can talk about the promises and benefits. But it's only when we tell our personal story that we're offering a unique gift. To help others see what got them there, too. What works. And what they can hope for. #Stories #PersonalStory #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-01-29 Very Patient
#Addiction   #Ambush
The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling, and powerful ... and very, very patient. #Addiction #Ambush #Recovery
2019-01-22 Know It All
#ShowUp   #Questions
People keep asking me these really good questions for which I'm not sure I have really good answers. Or, sometimes, any answers at all. But I don't need toalways know it all. I just need to show up. #ShowUp #Questions #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-01-15 Let It Go
Stop over-analyzing. Stop over-thinking it. Let it go. Let it be what it is. #LetItGo #LetItBe #Recovery
2019-01-08 Prayer Is
#Prayer   #Love
Prayer is care, prayer is sustenance, prayer is love. #Prayer #Love #TwigsOfAFamilyTree
2019-01-01 Decision
Not making a decision is making a decision. #Decisions #Indecision #Recovery

Feel free to email me to offer feedback, request a high-reolution image, receive occasional reminders of new entries, or call attention to your own (un)favorites. Not all feedback necessarily appears for this page, and may be edited for links, typos, multi-source redundancy, and relevancy. That doesn't mean, though, that we consider negative feedback irrelevant or refuse to post it, as negative feedback can often help us learn to do more and better.

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